Basic Taste

Basic Taste


In the world of sensory evaluation, being able to recognize basic tastes is essential for becoming a skilled taster. To facilitate this fundamental skill among taste panelists, the Basic Taste Test emerges as an indispensable tool. Employed during training sessions, this test serves as a crucial screening mechanism to identify individuals adept at recognizing basic tastes. Participants are tasked with evaluating diverse samples distinguished by distinct taste solutions, challenged to accurately identify each taste. 

Template Description

The template starts with a welcome screen followed by a screen giving instructions to panellists. In the design section, a binning question is added in which panellists can sort their samples into the correct taste. The binning question with samples has been used, therefore the samples from the design tab are visible for the panellists. The "bins" in this question can be customized or expanded, allowing for the addition of options such as umami as necessary.
Each "bin" will correspond to a specific word as its answer value. For instance, if the bin is designated for sweetness, the answer value should also be sweetness or sweet. It's crucial that the product properties contain the exact word used as the answer value for the bin. This ensures that when panelists place the sample in the bin, the system can determine whether it has been sorted correctly. If the sample description matches the bin value, it will be recognized as correct; otherwise, it will not. 
Additionally, you can utilize an advanced setting within the binning question type called "Use Scoring table.

The scoring table, when enabled, assigns a certain score instead of storing the order of values. For instance: #description=10
In this example, 10 points are awarded for each sample with a description placed in a bin with the same value as the description. Therefore, when a panelist places a sample described as "SOUR" in a bin labeled "SOUR," 10 points are added to the total score.
For this template, the scoring table has already been configured. If panelists correctly place the sample in the designated bin, they will score 10 points.

In the end screen, the template incorporates a thank-you message, providing an opportunity for you to personalize a final message for the panellists. 

In the design settings, you can check the way in which each panellist will receive the samples, with each set having a different presentation order for an individual panellist. In this template, seven samples are presented simultaneously, implying that all samples will be evaluated together and the question will only be answered once by the panellist. 
If you wish to include or exclude samples, you can achieve this by navigating to Design > Generate Design and modifying the number of samples. When adding a new sample, ensure that the description matches the answer value assigned to the corresponding attributes in the bin answer options. .

Raw Data Representation:

The raw data will be presented, where each row corresponds to a specific panellist and the respective sample presented to the panellist. The Q1 column will store a 0 or 10 indicating whether the panellist perceived the right taste, in which 0 indicates incorrect and 10 correct. Followed by the column in which the attribute that was chosen by the panellist is recorded. 


  1. ISO 8586-1:1993 -

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