Design Types Available in EyeQuestion

Design Types Available in EyeQuestion


EyeQuestion provides a diverse range of design types to meet your every need. On the "Design Type" tab within the Design Generator, you can select from various design options. This page offers an overview of each design type available.


One of the most used designs is the completely balanced design or Williams design. Select the design type balanced and the number of products. Each sample set contains the requested amount of products. Products are presented one at a time (not multi product). 
Please note that the Balanced design type will automatically generate the necessary number of sets to ensure the design is properly balanced. If you wish to reduce the number of sets, you will need to do so manually by exporting the design, removing the unwanted sets, and then re-importing the design.

Balanced Incomplete

Design that has an equal number of observations but not all treatments can be assigned to each block, set or session. A balanced incomplete design can be used to create a design that contains more products than product presentations. For example you have 5 products but only want to present 3 products to each panellist. Always specify a number of treatments that is less then the number of products.


Design that contains blocks of three samples which are a combination of two products where two are identical and one is different. This design is suitable for a Triangle test. The number of products is automatically specified to 2. The number of sets needs to be a plural of 6 since there are 6 possible combinations. When you specify the number of sets to a number that is not a plural of 6 EyeQuestion will automatically adjust the number.

Triangle RANDOM

You can use the Triangle RANDOM when you include multiple products in your design and you want to randomize the order. For instance, you created a design that had 4 products. Some panelists will begin by comparing product 1 to product 2, while others will begin by comparing product 3 to product 4. The sequence is random.


Design that contains two products and the replicate of each product that are presented at the same time. This design is suitable for a Tetrad test. The number of products is automatically specified to 4.

Tetrad RANDOM 

You can use the Tetrad RANDOM when you include multiple products in your design and you want to randomize the order. For instance, you created a design that had 4 products. Some panelists will begin by comparing product 1 to product 2, while others will begin by comparing product 3 to product 4. The sequence is random.


Design that contains a reference product, an additional identical reference product and a second product that is different from the reference. The reference product differs between the sets. This design is suitable for a Duo Trio Balanced Reference test. The number of products is automatically specified to 2. Each sample set contains a block (B1) with three samples. Each block contains two equal products and one odd product. One of the two equal products is the Reference sample. The reference sample is balanced throughout the design. Product 1 and product 2 occur equally as reference sample.

DuoTrio (Constant Reference) CR 

Design that contains a reference product, an additional identical reference product and a second product that is different from the reference. The reference product is always the same product. This design is suitable for a Duo Trio Constant Reference test. The number of products is automatically specified to 2. Each sample set contains a block (B1) with three samples. Each block contains two equal products and one odd product. One of the two equal products is the Reference sample. The reference sample is equal in each sample set.

A-Non A / DFC

Design that does not contain a reference product but only contains the products to be tested. This design is suitable for an A/ not A test. The number of products is automatically specified to 2. Each sample set contains one sample. The samples are equally distributed across the sample set.

Paired Comparison

Design that contains products that are paired together and always presented together in pairs. A product is always paired with the same product. This design is suitable for a Paired Comparison test. Select the design type Paired Comparison. The number of products is automatically specified to 2. Each sample set contains a block (B1) with two samples. Each block contains two different products. The samples are distributed equally across the design.

Paired Comparison FULL

Design that contains products that are paired together and always presented together in pairs. All possible combination of pairs are included in the design. The Paired comparison full design is a variation on the Paired comparison design. This design can be used if you want to compare more then 2 products. Specify the number of products to a number above 2.

BB Balanced Blocks

Design that has a balanced design within each block. This option can be used to create a balanced design with a pattern. When generating this type of design you must always insert a block pattern. For example, when using  the pattern "1,4,1,4", the design generator will create the 40 sample sets each containing 10 products. Product 1 is the same in each sample set, the next 4 products (2-5) are balanced throughout each sample set, the following product (6) is the same in each sample set and the next 4 products (7-10) are balanced throughout the sample sets.

BB Random Blocks

Design that has a balanced design within each block. This option can be used to create a balanced design with a pattern. When generating this type of design you must always insert a block pattern. For example, when using  the pattern "1,4,1,4", the design generator will create the 40 sample sets each containing 10 products. Unlike the Balanced Blocks design, each block will be presented to panelists in a random order.

BB Random Products

Design that has a balanced design within each block. This option can be used to create a balanced design with a pattern. When generating this type of design you must always insert a block pattern. For example, when using  the pattern "1,4,1,4", the design generator will create the 40 sample sets each containing 10 products. Different from the Balanced Blocks design, the products will be placed randomly in each block.

BB Random Products and Blocks

Design that has a balanced design within each block. This option can be used to create a balanced design with a pattern. When generating this type of design you must always insert a block pattern. For example, when using  the pattern "1,4,1,4", the design generator will create the 40 sample sets each containing 10 products. Unlike the Balanced Blocks design, products will be placed randomly within each block, and each block will be presented to panelists in a random order.


Design that does not have to have an equal number of observations for all possible combinations of factor levels


Design that contains two products and a reference product. The reference product is always the same product. The amount of samples is fixed and set up to be presented in a block.

Fixed Order

Design that will generate a fixed order for all sets. Every set will have the same amount of products in the same order.

Choice Based Conjoint

A design that allows users to define the number of trials, product concepts per trial, and attributes with preset levels, with the option to include images.

If your preferred design can not be created using the design generator, a custom design can be created using excel and imported in an EyeQuestion project. Read more about this functionality in the following article:
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