Direct Feedback

Direct Feedback


This template is designed for training panellists. Within this template, you can preset the mean score and standard deviation for each attribute queried. Panelists will review the list of attributes and then conduct their evaluation. Afterward, they will receive feedback revealing the correct mean and standard deviation, providing direct insight into the accuracy of their responses.

Template Description

The template starts with a welcoming screen where instructions about the test can be provided. The design questions include an instruction that can be adjusted, followed by five line scale questions. The amount of questions can be increased or decreased depending on the study. 
For each question an attribute has been prefilled, these attributes can be adjusted to your liking. In the advanced settings of the line scale questions, the feedback setting has been enabled. This will ensure that feedback will be given depending on the panellist's answers. This feedback will be calculated depending on the mean and standard deviation. More information on how to set this up can be found in the following article:
In the end screen, the template incorporates a thank-you message, providing an opportunity for you to personalize a final message for the panellists. 

In the design settings, you can check the way in which each panellist will receive the samples, with each set having a different presentation order for an individual panellist. In this template, three samples are presented in a monadic sequential order, implying that all questions in the design section will be asked for each sample consecutively. If you wish to include additional samples, you can achieve this by navigating to Design > Generate Design and modifying the number of samples. 

Raw Data Representation

The raw data will be presented, where each row corresponds to a specific panellist and the respective sample presented to the panellist. Followed by the output of each rated attribute. 
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