Embedding a Video Uploaded on YouTube in a Questionnaire

Embedding a Video Uploaded on YouTube in a Questionnaire

Embedding a video from YouTube will make sure that panellists can answer a questionnaire and watch a video simultaneously.

1: Get the URL of the YouTube video you would like to embed
Go to the YouTube video and click on share:

2.  Subsequently click on embed and copy the URL of the video:

3. Contact EyeQuestion to whitelist YouTube
Contact EyeQuestion (e-mail to support@eyequestion.nl or submit a support request via our website https://eyequestion.nl/support/ and send us the link. We will whitelist YouTube for your environment, so that the video will not be blocked because of the security settings. Once we have whitelisted YouTube, you can skip step 1 and 2 when you want to embed another YouTube video in a questionnaire.

4. Adding a YouTube video to a questionnaire
 Go to the YouTube Video and click on share:

5. Subsequently click on embed:

6. Finally copy the source code on the right side of the screen below:

7. Open the questionnaire you would like to create/use:
Click on “broncode/source code” in the questionnaire (example below)
8. You will see the following screen: 
Add the source code from the YouTube video to the editor below.

9. Once the link has been added the video will appear in a short time.

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