EyeQuestion Quota Management

EyeQuestion Quota Management


EyeQuestion Quota Management is a new functionality that enables users to efficiently monitor and control access to their questionnaires. This innovative feature not only streamlines the questionnaire administration process but also allows you to specify actions for panellists who pass or fail the screening process, create quota targets, and keep a close eye on your progress. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of EyeQuestion quota management feature, highlighting its usefulness and applications.

Use Cases

The quota management feature in EyeQuestion is a valuable tool in various research scenarios. Here are some examples of when this functionality can be particularly useful:
  1. Market Research: When conducting market research, researchers often need a balanced sample representing different demographics. Quota management helps ensure that questionnaire responses align with the target market's characteristics, such as age, gender, income, or location.
  2. Product Development: For companies developing new products, it's essential to collect feedback from users with specific traits or preferences. Quota management allows them to set targets for users with certain product-related preferences or behaviours.
  3. Customer Feedback: When gathering feedback from customers, businesses can define quotas for respondents who have recently used a particular product or service. This way, they can ensure that their questionnaire targets the most relevant audience.

Quota Creation

EyeQuestion allows you to create one or more quotas for your questionnaire. Quotas can be defined based on a wide range of characteristics, including personal panellist attributes such as gender and age, existing categories within EyeQuestion like allergies or frequency of consumption, or the answers to specific questions within the screener questionnaire. 

Setting Quota Targets

Within each quota, you can establish one or more quota targets. These targets set the number of respondents you aim to reach for each defined characteristic. For example, if your questionnaire aims to gather responses from both male and female participants in equal proportions, you can set a quota target of 50 respondents for each gender. EyeQuestion will automatically monitor the progress and help you identify when you've reached the desired number of respondents for each target. To create a quota, start by navigating to the Quota List and entering the name of your quota, such as "Female Chocolate." and define the quota target. Then, proceed to click on the plus sign to generate the quota.

Once the quota is created, proceed to configure the Quota Conditions, specifying the criteria for individuals to qualify for that particular quota. You have the option to set up conditions based on:
  1. Personal Information: This pertains to data directly stored in the panellist profile. Utilize this condition if your panellists have EyeQuestion accounts with completed personal information for the options Gender and/or Age.
  2. Category: Similar to Personal Information, this involves data stored in the panellist profile. Apply this condition if your panellists have EyeQuestion accounts with category information.
  3. Question: These are questions incorporated into your questionnaire that serve as the basis for screening individuals. Choose this option to establish screening criteria based on specific questions. 

Panellist Screening Actions

One of the standout features of EyeQuestion's quota management is the ability to specify actions for panellists who pass or fail the screening process. This means you can define different actions for those who meet your criteria and those who do not. For example, if a panellist successfully passes the screening process, you can choose to let them continue with the questionnaire, send them to a new questionnaire, or schedule an appointment for a follow-up project. On the other hand, for panellists who don't meet the screening criteria, will receive specific message explaining why they are ineligible.
Panellists can receive four different statuses based on their quota, which will be displayed in the panel tab:
  1. "Screened In": Panellists meet the screening criteria for one of the quota conditions. 
  2. "Screened Out": Panellists do not meet the screening criteria based on the project's quota. 
  3. "Over Quota": Panellists meet the screening criteria, but the target number has already been reached.
  4. "Screener Positive": Panellists can obtain this status if the Quota settings are Screened In: "Plan Appointment for Linked Project" and the panellist was shown the appointment screen but did not make an appointment yet. 
Actions for "Screened In":
  1. Show Message: Panellists will see a message indicating whether they are screened in, as soon as they are screened in (questionnaire is not finished).

  1. Continue with the Project: Panellists proceed with the questionnaire even if screened in during the process.
  2. Continue with Linked Project: When selected, a field appears where the deployed project needs to be linked. Panellists are directly redirected to a selected questionnaire after being screened in (without finishing the screener).

  1. Plan Appointment for Linked Project: When selected, a field appears where a deployed or undeployed project needs to be linked. Panellists can schedule an appointment for the linked project, which has appointment enabled, as soon as they are screened in (without finishing the screener). The panellists that are screened in are shown in the linked project under Distribution>Panel. Panellists who meet the quota requirement but have not yet booked an appointment will be displayed in the linked project under Distribution > Panel as Screener Positive. Those who have not booked an appointment can do so at a later stage by clicking on the invitation link sent via email. However, if the quota target is reached in the meantime, the panellist's status will change to Overquota, and they will no longer be able to schedule an appointment. 
  2. Add Panellist to Linked Project and Show Message: When selected, a field appears where a deployed or undeployed project needs to be linked. Panellists will see a message indicating whether they are screened in as soon as they are screened in (questionnaire is not finished). The panellists that are screened in are shown in the linked project under Distribution>Panel. 
Actions for "Screened Out" and "Over Quota":
  1. Show Message: Panellists receive a message when they do not meet the quota criteria or when the quota is exceeded.

Quota Status

Following the screening process, you will receive a summary of respondents who have either passed or been excluded from the study in the Quota page close to your Quota Name and Target number.
If the desired number of respondents for a particular quota condition is met and there are additional potential respondents meeting the criteria, they will be categorized as "over quota." This status allows you the flexibility to potentially expand the pool of valid respondents if necessary.


Case Study: Recruitment for a Market Research Study

You are tasked with recruiting participants for a market research study to gather feedback on a new product. However, before launching the main questionnaire, you want to ensure you can recruit a diverse group of participants. To do this, you decide to set up a simple screener questionnaire with quotas to assess the availability of potential participants.
Steps to Set Up the Screener Questionnaire with Quotas:
  1. Define Your Quotas: Start by identifying the key demographics or criteria you want to ensure are represented in your participant pool. For example, you may want to ensure diversity in terms of age, gender, and occupation.
  2. Create the Screener Questionnaire: Design a brief questionnaire that includes questions relevant to the quotas you've defined. For instance, include questions about age, gender, occupation, and perhaps a few questions related to the product or industry to gauge participant interest and relevance.
  3. Set Up Quotas: Within EyeQuestion), navigate to the Quota section (Distribution>Panel>Quota). Create quotas based on the demographics or criteria you've defined. For instance, set quotas for specific age groups, genders, and occupations.
  4. Define Quota Conditions: Specify the conditions under which participants will be screened into each quota. For example, if you have a quota for participants aged 25-34, set the condition that only respondents within this age range will be included in that quota.
  5. Deploy the Questionnaire and Monitor ResponsesOnce you're sure about the screener questionnaire, proceed to deploy it to your target audience. If you're utilizing the Panel feature, you can utilize send an email/notification to participants, or alternatively, provide them with direct access to the screener questionnaire using Link/QR code options. You can monitor responses in real-time to track the filling progress of quotas in the dedicated Quota section.

Case Study: Recruitment for a Health and Wellness Study

In this scenario, imagine you're managing recruitment for a health and wellness study aimed at understanding consumer habits and preferences. Your goal is to recruit participants who fit specific criteria related to health behaviors and lifestyle choices. Once participants are successfully screened in, they will be invited to book an appointment for further participation in the main study.
Steps to Set Up the Screener Questionnaire with Quotas:
  1. Create the Main Study Questionnaire: Create the project and set up the appointment that panellist will need to book if they are screened in. To create an appointment please check this link: https://support.eyequestion.nl/portal/en/kb/articles/appointment-scheduling
  2. Design the Screener Questionnaire: Create a new questionnaire (e.g. screener) that includes questions relevant to the quota criteria. Include inquiries about exercise frequency, dietary preferences, health product usage, and any other factors deemed important for the study.
  3. Set Up Quotas: Within this screener, establish quotas based on the defined criteria. For instance, set quotas for participants who exercise at least three times a week, consume organic food regularly, or use natural health supplements.
  4. Define Quota Conditions: Specify the conditions under which participants will be screened into each quota. For example, if a participant indicates that they exercise three or more times a week, they will be screened into the corresponding quota.
  5. Integrate Appointment Booking: In the "Screened In" feature within the General Quota settings, choose the "Plan Appointment for Linked Project" option. Then, select the project you created in step 1.
  6. Deploy the Questionnaire and Monitor Responses: Once you're sure about the screener questionnaire, proceed to deploy it to your target audience. If you're utilizing the Panel feature, you can utilize send an email to participants, or alternatively, provide them with direct access to the screener questionnaire using Link/QR code options. You can monitor responses in real-time to track the filling progress of quotas in the dedicated Quota section.
  7. Invite Screened-In Participants to Book Appointments: Once participants are successfully screened into the study, they will be sent directly to the appointment page to book an appointment. Within the Distribution>Panel page of the project you created in step 1,  you will have the list of panellist that were screened in and booked an appointment. 

Thinks to Consider

  1. Setting up Quotas: Quotas must be set up before deploying the questionnaire. Once a project has been deployed and data collected, modifying the quota setup is not possible.
  2. Linked Projects and Screened In Actions: If you are using actions like "Continue with Linked Project" or "Add Panellist to Linked Project and Show Message," be aware that these linked projects cannot be undeployed once they are connected to a screener with quota enabled. To make modifications to the linked project, it's necessary to first unlink it from the screener questionnaire.
  3. Currently, the messages for screened in, screened out, and over quota statuses cannot be customized. However, customization options for these messages will be available in the future.
  4. If you archive the project, the quota information will be lost. 
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