EyeQuestion's Site Functionality

EyeQuestion's Site Functionality

One of the features available in EyeQuestion is the ability to set up sites. This functionality enables researchers to manage and organize surveys by location, department or research project. Users can have access to one or multiple sites, in order to allow them to be able to access (or not access) certain surveys.

Setting up a site in EyeQuestion is a simple process which you can request to support@eyequestion.nl. The first step is to identify the site with a name, code, and description. This information helps to differentiate sites from each other and to identify which surveys belong to which site. You can send this information to our support department to set up the site(s). Please note: it depends on your license plan if it is possible for you to have different sites set up. Feel free to ask us about the options.

After the site has been created, it is accessible through the user's avatar by clicking on the "Switch Sites" option and selecting the desired site from the drop-down list. This feature makes it easy for users to access the surveys that are associated with the site they need to work on.

Different users can have different sites associated with their account. This allows for collaboration between researchers who are working on different projects or in different locations. Users can easily switch between sites without having to log out and log back in, making the process seamless and efficient.

The ability to set up sites in EyeQuestion is beneficial for researchers who need to manage and organize surveys across different locations or projects. It allows for easy access to the surveys that belong to a specific site, and the ability to switch between sites makes it convenient for users to work on multiple projects simultaneously. Additionally, it helps in maintaining the confidentiality and security of surveys as different users will only have access to the surveys that belong to their site.

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