The formula question type is a tool that allows customizable attribute values, with answers calculated using a predefined formula.
How it works
The formula question type can be found under the Special Questions folder, and it is going to be hidden, panellists will not be able to see it within their test. The needed formula is created using the programming language called Javascript.

Validate data - In the example below, the formula question type was used to validate the email address of the panellist. To prevent a typing error from causing your emails to not reach the intended recipient, the panellist is asked twice to fill in their email address.
The formula calculates if both answers are identical, and if the answers do not match, using a screen condition, the panellists are asked to go back and validate the email to correct their mistake.

Train your panel - You can as well use the formula question type in order to train your panelists. You can create a Basic Taste test where for each correct answer the panellists receive an amount of points (e.g 10 points) and in order for them to pass the test, they must earn a specific amount of points.
Using screen conditioning, panellists will be taken further into the test according to their answers:
Our support team can assist you in developing and implementing this question type. For assistance, please reach out to our team via
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