Here are two types of designs you can import : monadic and block. A monadic design will present the samples one by one while a block design will present all samples simultaneously. For example: a profiling project will have a monadic design whereas a ranking or napping project will have a block design.
To create a custom monadic design follow the steps below:
1) Create a similar design to the design you require using the options in "Generate Design".
2) Download the design excel file by navigating to the "Design" tab, then clicking Export Design>Excel.
3) The excel sheet will look like the screenshot below:
Set: the number of unique sets used in the design.
Sample: This column contains the sample blinding code followed by it's sample number. 154-3 for example will create a sample with blinding code 154 for product #2. If the same product number is used later on in the design with a different blinding code, then that will become a replica of the same sample.
Once you have adapted the design within the Excel file as you require, it can then be imported to form the design for your project.
Upon importing the excel file you will have to define the number of sets and sessions used in the design. Please note that setting up the amount of sessions will automatically divide the samples into sessions. If there are 10 samples in the design and the amount of sessions is set to '2', the the samples will be split 5-5.
Please keep in mind that if more sets are requested in the Required number of sets option than there are defined in the imported design, then the sets will be copied/repeated automatically. If we use the example design provided in the excel screenshot above and set the amount of sets to '10', the following design will be generated:
The sample order of the additional sets generated will have the same sample order as those imported.
If you would like to import a block design replace the Sample text in the first row of the Excel file with Block1 (and Block2, Block3, etc. if more than one block is needed).
If the above example is imported, the design will look like this :