How Can I Run a Test Across Multiple Sessions

How Can I Run a Test Across Multiple Sessions


With EyeQuestion it is possible that the sample evaluation is divided into sessions, so that not all samples have to be evaluated in one session. Suppose you have 8 samples to be evaluated. On the first day you will ask your panelists to evaluate 4 of them and on the following day the remaining ones. 

Generating the Design 

In a project, go to Design>Generate design to open the design generator window.
In here you will be able to find the option for setting up the Sessions. You can select a specific number of sessions, then EyeQuestion will split the total number of product in the number of sessions. By default EQ will try to split the products equally across the sessions. (The same amount of products in each session.)

Session Pattern

It is also possible to go for the option Session Pattern, in case you want to have a custom design pattern. 
The session pattern has to be entered in the following format: n,n,n where: n is the number of products contained in a session a coma will represent a new session. 
So for example, if you have 8 products that you want to split in 2 session, but in session 1 you need to evaluate 6 products and the remaining 2 products should be evaluated in session 2, then the session pattern for this example will be: 6,2 (EyeQuestion generates 2 sessions, S1 has 6 products and S2 has 2products). 

Design Visualization in Sessions

Once you have created a design in sessions, your design sets can be visualized in the design section. The column session will now make a distinction across the sessions and highlight those accordingly. 

Allocating Sessions in Booth

Projects that have been designed with sessions and are allocated in a sensory booth, can be allocated for a specific session. 

In the allocation menu you are able to allocate the specific session that you want to allocate that day. If you select S1 from the session drop down, then only the products in the design that fall under S1 will be presented. Make sure not to forget to always save the changes in this screen.

By using the option Sx, the panelists will pick up where they left off, continuing with the next session in order. This means that if they already completed 3 sessions, if they open the booth link linked to Session Sx they will go on with 4th session of the project.

Option Anonymous makes the sessions anonymous, panelists not being requested to log in in order to complete the questionnaires.

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