This is the place where the user database is managed in EyeQuestion.Clicking on the Manage panelists option from the Panel Management menu, will let the panel manager get an overview of the EyeQuestion panelists.
The table consists of four columns : Login, Full name, Email, Locked and Actions.
On the lower side of the page and select the amount of entries you would like to have visible on the page.
On the top right corner of the page the user has the option to export the Panelists. Exporting panelists will create an excel export of all the current panelists in EyeQuestion. Exporting single user data can be done by clicking the icon under the action column.
Click the edit button to edit details about a panelist. You will notice that more fields are now available for adding/editing panelist's personal information. Fields that are grayed out (login and password) can't be edited.
After all the changes have been made, make sure to click the save button on the top right hand side of the page to save the changes.
Click to delete a single user or respondent. To delete multiple users, select the respondents using the tick boxes and proceed to delete your selection.
The users table have a column called “Locked” which shows panelists who are locked i.e. they can’t access EyeQuestion. This happens if a panelist enters an incorrect password multiple times (more than 5 times or depending to your password policy). After getting locked if this user clicks “forgot password” to get automatic password, then no email will be sent from EQ. In this case, other user (with the panel manager module) will have to turn off lock option and reset the password.
To turn off the lock click on edit icon under the “actions” column. Click on locked on to disable it (when lock is enabled it is blue in color with text “on” and when it is turned off the color changes to white with text “off”). After disabling the lock add a new password and click save.