Express projects are a fast and easy way to create a project based on an express template.
NOTE: You will need the express user profile assigned to your account in order to have access to the express module.
To create a new express project you can click on create express project.
Project Settings
In the first step you can choose between two templates in the first field “Template” and give your project a name, the other fields are optional. The two templates that are available are a Triangle and a Profiling template.

Adding Products
If you choose the profiling template it will show you by default three products, this is how the template is set. If the triangle template is chosen, you will see two products by default.
A couple of different actions can be taken in this step. You can edit the Product display and the description of the product by clicking on the field or use the quick action button.
By clicking
the icon in front of each product, you are able to move the product in the
To add a new field (product) to your overview you can click on the add product button and a row will be added. If you have a Product Database in EyeQuestion, you can also click on import product and here you will be able to select from the available samples.
Adding Questions/Attributes
Depending on which template you chose, you can create questions and place them on various screens. Questions can also be added from the Attribute database by clicking on the Import question button.
You have four screens that you can choose from.
- Welcome screen
- Intro Profile
- Attribute
- End screen
You can edit the Name and Text of your question by clicking on the field. You can write the question you would like to ask to the panelist. The Question type is a fixed field and is by default set on Linescale. The left and right value, you can change to your liking as well as the label Min/Max.
When you picked the Triangle template, this step will be skipped in EyeQuestion, because the template is a standardized method.
Design Status
In this step you can create a design. It depends on which template you choose which settings are adjustable. For the Profiling template the design type, products/objects and multi product are fixed fields.

Only for the profiling template the runtime options are available and adjustable. The runtime options settings indicate how the design sets are assigned.
- Automatically: the assignment is done automatically; the first respondent gets the first sample set, the second respondent the second set, etc.
- By first sample code: the assignment happens based on the first code entered. The sample set which has the same first code is assigned to the respondent. This is only a valid method when all blinding codes are unique.
- By set code: the assignment happens based on the set code entered.
- By set code unique: the assignment happens based on the set code entered. A set code can only be used once.
- By any sample code: the system assigns the set that contains the code entered by the panelist.
- By set number: the assignment happens based on the set number (1 to N).
- By set number unique: the assignment happens based on the set number (1 to N). A set number can only be used once.
Set Validation options:
- Ask for every sample code: every sample is validated. The panelist has to enter the code of every sample before he can continue. When the code is not correct, the panelist cannot continue with the test.
- No validation: there is no check. The system assumes the panelist received the correct product.
- Confirm block code: the panelist only has to confirm that the product he received is labelled with the same code as the code shown on screen.
- Ask only for first sample code: only validate the first sample. The panelist has to enter the code of the first product he received. When the code is not correct, the panelist cannot continue with the test.
The final step displays the summary of the project. It is divided into three parts, the project, design and product summary. You can set up the project settings, such as editing custom or existing fields, based on the used template. It allows the user to remove screens that have not been used in step 3 but have been added in the template. These can be removed using the ON/OFF switch.

The design summary displays the design that has been generated in step 4.

The product summary displays the products that have been set up in step 2.
Click the submit button to save your project. You can go back to the project overview or create a new project.
How to Run the Express Project
In the project overview you will see the express projects that are created. They can be recognized by the small rocket symbol

To run the Express project, you can use the quick action buttons to do so. The Quick Action buttons can be found, when clicking on the dotted icon. Each stage of the project has different quick actions.
When you click on the export button you have multiple options to choose from, it will depends in which stage the project is what you will see.
- Design labels: generating the design labels in word by either blinding code, unique code, set or session.
- Export design: an export of the design created in step 4.
- Products: an export of the product properties.
- PDF Overview: an overview of the project as the panelists will see.
From version 5.8.0 and higher you can export the QR-code and a link to the project for panelist with logins, when you click on the export button.