How to Include More Attributes in the Free Choice Profiling/Flash Profile Template
When creating a Flash Profile/Free Choice Profiling you can create the project starting from EyeQuestion premade template which you can find in the Rapid Methods folder. Depending on your license you might be able to see this folder or not. In case you would like to add this option to your system, please feel free to send an email to our support department (
Include More Attributes in the Free Choice Profiling/Flash Profile Template
The project template has already been set up in the appropriate way.
Participants will be able to create an attribute list in the start question, and they will be able to indicate the intensity of those attributes in the design question.
The template is configured to allow for a maximum of 10 attributes, however you may always expand this by taking the following steps:
1. Click on the dynamic list question type and increase the number of attributes which should be included in the project. E.g. In the example below we are allowing one more attribute to be included in the dynamic list.
2. Go in the design section question and add one more line scale (or ranking scale in case you are designing a Flash profile questionnaire). You can copy and paste the existing line scales question and modify the information on the copied version. For copy and pasting the question, select the line scale question and then click on the icon Copy and Paste.

3. Make sure to update all the information related to the new attribute.
All items marked above with a red box should be updated accordingly.
4. Finally, you need to make sure also to update the branching settings.
You can specify a particular condition for which the line scale will only appear in the branching settings. In this example we are asking the software to show the line scale for attribute 11 only when the panelist have generated a list of word which include a number of words higher than 10.
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