How to Manually Add Data in EyeQuestion?

How to Manually Add Data in EyeQuestion?


There are instances where data is manually collected on paper, and the need arises to integrate this data into EyeQuestion as if it was gathered using the software. This article will provide an in-depth walkthrough of the step-by-step procedure for manual data entry in EyeQuestion. We will explore two distinct approaches: utilizing the anonymous link and completing the questionnaire on behalf of another panelist.

Method 1: Completing the questionnaire on behalf of another panellist. 

This method can be used when a panellist has already an EyeQuestion account.

Step1: Ensure that the panellist for whom you whish to input data has an active EyeQuestion account and are added to the Panel of your project.

Step2: Access the Distribution tab in your project and click the “Add Panellist” button, to start adding the involved panellists to your project. 

Step3: Once all involved panellists are added to the project, you can return to the project overview and select the Quick Action buttons, by clicking the three dotted icon and select the “Run on Behalf” option. 

Step4: A tab will open in which display all the panellists that have been added to the panel of the specific project. Choose the panellists and begin the questionnaire on behalf by clicking start.

The anonymous link allows you to input data that has been manually filled in the system.

Step1: Log in to your EyeQuestion account and navigate to the distribution page of the specific project > click the links on the left side of the page.

Step2: Click the generated anonymous link and begin entering the session data. To avoid being log out from EyeQuestion, it is recommended to open the link in incognito mode.

Step3: If you have additional sessions to input, repeat the first two steps.

Anonymous data Storage; it’s important to note that the data collected through this method is stored anonymously. 

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