How to Merge Data

How to Merge Data


One of the key features of EyeQuestion is the ability to merge data from multiple projects. This can be especially useful when you have conducted several studies and want to combine the data to gain more comprehensive insights.
In this article, we will walk you through the steps of merging data in EyeQuestion.

Merge Data

1. Open EyeOpenR from one of the projects
To merge data in EyeQuestion, you need to open EyeOpenR from one of the two projects that you want to merge. You can do this either by clicking on the EyeOpenR quick action button next to the name of your project in the Project browser or from within the project itself by navigating to the Export page and selecting EyeOpenR from the Analysis drop down menu.

2. Select Add Projects from the dataset section
Once you have opened EyeOpenR, go to the dataset section and select Add Projects. This will bring up a dialog box where you can select the project that you want to merge with your main dataset.

3. Drag and drop the dataset you want to merge
From the project explorer on your right, locate the dataset that you want to merge and drag and drop it into the dialog box. Once you have done this, the dataset will appear in the list of projects that you have added.

4. Choose which attributes to merge
When you proceed to the next screen, in the dialog box, you will see a list of attributes that are common to both datasets. You can choose which attributes you want to merge and which you want to add as new attributes to or skip. You can also select whether you want your products to be merged (if data for the same product was collected in both tests) and whether you want your Judges to be merged (in case in both tests the data have collected with the same panelists).

5. Preview the merged data
Once you have made your selections and proceeded to the Quality screen, click on the following link to doublechecked the merged data.

6. Analyze the merged data
After merging the data, you can analyze it in EyeOpenR just like any other project. 

Merge Data Projects and Generate One Autoreport

1. Open EyeOpenR from one of your two project (Export>Analysis>EyeOpenR). 

2. In the top right corner switch the toggle button to "reports" and then select the report you wish to use for your analysis.

3. In the dataset part, select "Add Projects" and drag and drop from the list of projects on the right of the screen the project you wish to merge with.
If you can't find your project, it might be because it must be closed first before it is visible in the list. 

Once the projects you wish to merge to create your autoreport have been selected follow the same procedure as described above for standard merged analyses in EyeOpenR to generate your autoreport.

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