How to Monitor Active Sessions

How to Monitor Active Sessions


The monitor function allows the user to monitor the progress of the panellists who are completing and/or evaluating the questionnaire. Which monitoring option you will choose depends on how you are running the test, whether it is a home-use test or a test conducted at a central facility. Four different monitoring options can be used:
  1. Location
  2. Project
  3. Portal 
  4. Live Data   

Monitoring Options 


When you  click on Monitor > Location, by default it opens in a new tab. This monitoring option will be useful when you are running the test at a central facility. 
If the room is not specified, it will automatically circle through all the available rooms. To show only one room in the location monitoring overview you can adjust its settings. In order to get access to the settings you will need to click on the ^ icon. 

Here you will see all the settings that can be customized. If there are certain columns you want to add, you can check the box in front and it will be added to your overview:

From the version 5.11.2 onwards, we have added an option "start blinking" in the location monitor settings. This option is useful when a user has added set validation setting (either to confirm sample code or ask for sample code).

"Start blinking" option indicates when the upcoming sample will start blinking. If this field is empty then the sample in the location monitor will start blinking when a panelist needs to confirm the sample.

If a user would like to see blinking of samples before sample validation, for example: one screen before the sample validation then add the number of screen before the validation question in the highlighted field.

The sample validation of upcoming sample is asked at the end of the design screens of previous sample. For example: In the screenshot below the sample validation of upcoming sample will be asked at the end of screen5 of design section. So if the blinking of sample should appear when panelist is at screen 5 then the value in start blinking should be 1.

If you want to monitor the progress of the panellists in one particular location, then you can click that location. The overview will be fixed on the location of your choosing and will not be switching from one location to another anymore. 


This monitoring option will allow you to monitor the progress of projects running in different locations and to check the open and finished sessions for a specific project. The user can select a specific project to monitor. When you click on Monitor > Project, by default it opens in a new tab. The overview shows all the rooms in one screen, in the location monitor you had to select one particular room. The project monitor gives the advantage that all the locations available can be seen on one screen and the booths that are linked to these locations. 

If you want to customize the overview you can select/ deselect the columns of your choice. If you want to monitor one particular project, you can select it and if you want to monitor all the active projects you can select all. 

On the right hand side of the screen you can see how many open sessions  there are for that particular project and how many finished.

In this monitoring option you will not have a sample column, as this is to no use for the project leader/manager who just wants to see the progress. 


This monitoring option will show the progress of panellists who are completing the questionnaire from another location or using the deploy links. This portal monitor is useful when doing a home-use test. If you want to adjust the settings you can click on the ^ icon and select/deselect the columns. 

This overview will show you all the active projects. The location monitor is just for projects that are allocated to the booths. The portal monitor will show the progress of all projects. This option will be useful to help you monitor active projects, whether they are allocated or not. 

Live Data

For all the information regarding the monitoring option Live Data, please click the following link: How to use Live Data monitor

Monitor Settings

The availability of the booth is shown by the color code and text displayed.

The panellist progress is tracked using a progress bar. 

An indication on what screen the panellist is on and what sample has been presented (only for the location monitor)

Red = the panelist is testing the sample
Blue = samples which still need to be tested
Green = samples which already have been tested by the panellist. 

The location and project monitor have some customization settings, which can be accessed by clicking on the ^ icon on the top right hand side of the screen. The portal monitor has only the font size settings. These settings can be adjusted. 

Available text = to be displayed when a booth is available. 
Unavailable text = to be displayed when a booth is unavailable.
Finished text = to be displayed when a booth is finished.
Fake available = text to be displayed when a booth is fake available (between available - not available). 
Title font size = font size of the table header.
Cell font size = font size of the table cells. 

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