How to run an analysis on an external dataset

How to run an analysis on an external dataset

An external dataset can be imported into EyeOpenR. This dataset can be used to run analysis or create an autoreport.  You can import data in .xls and .xlsx format. Below is a description of the conventional format you can import. This is the format that is used for most analyses run with EyeOpenR. Exceptions to this data structure include TDS, Napping and Flash Profile datasets.  

Data (mandatory)

The first sheet in your workbook contains the actual data, make sure this is the first sheet in your workbook. The first 5 columns are fixed, they contain AssessorProductSessionReplica and Sequence. They can only be used as displayed in this example sheet. If you don't use one of these columns (for example replica) you can put either a 1 in each row or NA. From column F on your data starts. 

Metadata (optional)

There are three optional metadata sheets. These can contain extra information about attributes, products and judges. The names for these tabs are fixed, they should be called Attributes, Assessors, Products. Just like in this example file. If you do not wish to use metadata you can import your data using the above format. 

Attributes Metadata


This tab contains metadata for attributes. The first 5 columns in this tab are fixed. they should always contain attributedatatypeminmax and display. The attribute column contains the reference to the attribute in the data tab. So if the first attribute column in the data tab contains Q1, you should add Q1 to the attribute column. The datatype column contains the datatype of each attribute. There is a fixed list of datatypes to choose from: 
  1. Nominal: Categorically discrete data such as name of a country, gender etc. 
  2. Ordinal: Quantities that have a natural ordering, e.g. the order of items placed in a line or the ranking of favourite foods. With ordinal data you cannot state with certainty whether the intervals between each value are equal.
  3. Interval: Similar to ordinal but the intervals between each value are equally split. e.g. data coming from linescales, temperature.
  4. Comparative: Data from paired comparisons.
  5. TDS: Temporal dominance of Sensations, contains time related data.
  6. Napping: Data collected during a Napping test, contains coordinates and words.
  7. Text: Textual data, e.g. remarks.
  8. JAR: Just about right data
  9. Binary: Can be either 1 or 0. Normally this type of data is used in pick any (CATA) data, discrimination test (Triangle, Tetrad etc.) and for true/false questions. 
The min and max columns should only be filled when they are applicable and display is the label that you want to be visible in your tables and graphs. 

Assessors Metadata

This tab contains the metadata for the judges. The first two columns are fixed, they are called Assessor and Name. The Assessor column contains the reference to the assessor in the data tab.  The name is the label that you want to display in your tables and graphs.

Products Metadata

This tab will contain the metadata for products. The first two columns are fixed, they are called Product and Description. The product column contains the reference to the product in the data tab. The description is the label that you want to display in your tables and graphs.

An example dataset, structured as described above, can be found attached to this article.

How to import an external dataset?

Start EyeOpenR using the main menu by clicking on Tools - EyeOpenR. When opening EyeOpenR using the project export menu, data from the project will be pre-loaded. When running EyeOpenR through the main menu, you are able to upload you external dataset. 

Select the method you would like to run. If you would like to run an autoreport using an external dataset, you can toggle the switch on the top right of the screen. All available auto reports will be displayed. 

To upload you external dataset, you can do so by clicking the "Add dataset" button.

If the dataset does not contain metadata, required variables will need to be provided on the Quality tab. 

Proceed to run the analysis as per usual. For more information about EyeOpenR and the analysis please click this link: EyeQuestion | Data Analysis and Exports Knowledge Base 
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