How to set up the Screen Settings
Screen settings allow the user to customize the display of a screen that is shown to the panelist. There are four kinds of screen settings: standard, advanced, layout and wait settings.
Project workspace
Your project's workspace can be found, as highlighted in the red section, in the screenshot below.

The four types of screen settings and their options can be found on the right side of the screen, while the shortcuts for conditioning, renaming screens, or navigating between screens are located at the top of your workspace.
The screen conditioning button
The screen condition is a feature you can employ when you wish to display a screen only when panelists have answered specific questions in the preceding screens.
- Arrows redirecting to previous/next screen
- Screen preview button
which shows a preview of the selected screen of the questionnaire.
- Edit button will open up the edit options of a screen
- Delete screen button
which allows you to remove the displayed screen.
Edit screen
In the right side of the screen the Edit screen

will be displayed, allowing you to set up the screen according to your project's needs. You can find in there the following options:
Screen name where you can edit the name of your screen.
Standard Settings dropdown box under which you will see the following settings:- Close session : enable/disable the close session option. Set to Yes, this setting considers this screen as the last screen. The system will finish the test and store the data. For this functionality it is important to know that it should only be enabled at the END SCREEN of your project. Be aware also to use only instruction type of question, as the data in this section will not be stored.

- Feedback Screen : enabling this option will allow results to be displayed at the end of the screen. Used only in combination with the Feedback question type. You can see how to set up the Feedback screen in the following Knowledge Base article:
- Auto Submit : this function only works in combination with the wait screen. When wait setting is set and this option is enabled, it will automatically submit the form after the wait time has expired.
- Logoff screen : when this option is set to Yes a logoff button will appear. When the respondent logs in again he will go to the next screen.
- Allow back : set this up if the panelist is allowed to go back to this screen. This function allows the panelist to go back to the screen only if the next question is in the same section of the questionnaire (start/design/end) and if it is regarding the same product to be reviewed. Once the panelist reaches another screen section or another product, this will not be available anymore. A general allow back option for the whole questionnaire is available in the project settings.
Advanced settings with the options:
- Random Questions : option that randomizes the questions which are on the same screen (Yes/Once/No). Option Yes will randomize the questions on the involved screen for each one of the products, while option Once will randomize the screen for each panelists, but between products the sequence will stay the same.
- Random Group : screens that belong to a certain group will be randomized through the sections.
- Alternative button text : the text that will be displayed on the button that is used to move to a following screen. Default: "Next".
- Action : action that can be used on a screen. Available options are URL call and URL redirect. URL call refers to the URL that will be used when performing the Action while URL Redirect represents the URL needed to redirect to an external system. More information on this topic can be found in the following link:
Layout settings contain:
- Group Questions : this option can be enabled if you have a combination design and multi-sample questions in the questionnaire, so that those questions can be grouped for each sample.
- Display Questions : this setting allows you to adjust the way the panelists see the questions displayed on the screen. You can set it until up to 4 columns. By default, the screen is displayed in one column.
Wait settings which can be utilized when you want panellists to pause between products or take a break before continuing with the test:
- Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds : set up the amount of time the respondents have to wait before they can continue to the next screen.
- Show wait bar : show a progress bar when panelists are waiting to continue. This option is used in combination with the days, hours, minutes and seconds option.
- Show Countdown : show a countdown when panelists are waiting to continue. This option is used in combination with the days, hours, minutes and seconds option.
- Notify : it plays a notifying sound when the wait time is over.
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