This method can be used in Quality Control to understand whether in a normal production are present products that are considered different or outside specifications. Panellists are trained to recognize the characteristics that define “out-of-specification” products as well as the range of characteristics that are considered “in specification”. This enhances the uniformity of criteria among the panellists.
Template Description
The template starts with a welcoming screen where instructions about the test can be provided.
In the design section, the “In Out Screen” contains an instruction with a matrix question type in which the samples from the design are used. Panellists can choose the option “in” when the sample is according to specification and “out” when the sample does not meet the specification. For this specific template the Matrix with samples question type is used, this means that the samples of the design are displayed. In the settings of the question you can customize the options for you panellists to choose. In the advanced and layout settings you can customize the visualization of the question.
In the end screen, the template incorporates a “thank you” message, providing an opportunity for you to personalize a final message for the panellists.
In the design settings, you can check how each panellist will receive the samples, with each set having a different presentation order for an individual panellist. In this template, four samples are presented simultaneously, implying that all samples will be evaluated together and the questions will only be answered once by the panellist.
Raw Data Representation
The raw data will be presented, where each row corresponds to a specific panellist and the respective samples presented to the panellist. The data will be stored to indicate whether the panellists evaluated the sample as “passed” or “failed”. If the answer is passed, the data will be recorded as a 1, whereas if the panelists evaluate the sample as failed, the data will be recorded as a 0.
Once data has been gathered, you can access EyeOpenR and navigate to the Sensory Analysis method. Within the analysis option you can select the Frequency tables (categorical data) analysis.
- Lawless, H. T., & Heymann, H. (2010). Sensory evaluation of food. In Food science text series.