Project Allocation in a Sensory Booths

Project Allocation in a Sensory Booths

EyeQuestion offers various methods for distributing questionnaires to respondents, enabling them to conveniently fill them out. One such method allows users to directly add questionnaires to the devices (tablets or computers) located within sensory booths.
The initial setup only needs to be performed once, after which project managers can effortlessly send projects to the devices within the sensory booths as needed. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of utilizing the diverse functionalities associated with project allocation in sensory booths.

How to allocate projects

Under allocate in EyeQuestion software there are 3 groups: Allocate, Calendar and Project Groups. This is useful for adding groups/projects to certain rooms. Here it is also possible to view the planning of the various projects.


The allocation feature allows users to efficiently assign deployed projects to specific locations with booths.  Before allocating projects, users must first set up one or more locations. In case a location has not been set up, the user will be prompted with a message to add one. 

1. Here you can add the location where you want to add booth. You can have multiple locations.

2. Here you can select a list of projects from the drop down menu. Your project needs to be deployed to be active here.
3. Every booth in a room will have it's own unique url. This url is constructed using the unique room ID and booth parameter in the URL. For example the url of Booth 1 in Room A will become : https://servername/eq/public/start.jsp?room=RA&booth=01. You can find the unique url for each booth by clicking on the booth number or hovering above it.
4. Clicking this will open the session drop down menu. Here you can choose: Anonymous, SX, S1, S2 etc.

Anonymous: The project will be run with a anonymous session. 

SX: The XS option means that EyeQuestion automatically selects the next session in the sequence for the given panelist (it will not work with anonymous sessions). I.e. if the given panelis has already completed session 1, they will be forwarded to the start.

S1, S2, S3 etc : Here you can choose the amount of sessions

Calendar: The calendar displays all projects that have been scheduled through the scheduling functionality. Once time slots have been created in a project, these will be visible in the calendar. To create one or more time slots use the Schedule tab in a project and select the Start time, End time and location that will be used.


Project Groups: It is also possible to add various projects to a group and proceed to allocate that group to a location. Click the plus button to create a group and give it a name and set up the group order (fixed or free). You are able to change the name and order after the creation of the group.


Add the projects you would like to have set up in the group, along with an alias and session if needed. Instruction text for the group can also be added, this will be displayed to the panelist when the enter the group through a booth link. Go back to the allocate tab and allocate the group to the location in the same way a project would be allocated.

How to create project Groups:

Where you can add multiple projects to a group and via the booth link you can share this with you panelist.

Please note that this can only be used if you are using sensory booths. The booth link can send via email to your panelists, however you cannot send this email directly from EyeQuestion.

How to use the project group function

Step 1:

Click on the allocate button > Project Groups

Step 2:

You will get a screen where you can add a new project group by clicking on the plus icon on the right side of the screen.

Step 3:

You will get a pop-up screen where you can name your project group and decide whether the panelist get a free of fixed option to complete the projects.

Fixed = the panelist needs to complete the first project before starting the next.

Free = panelist can choose between the projects.

Step 4:

Now you can edit the project group settings. In the instruction field you can write down a message that your panelists will see before picking/starting a project. 

In the “Project” part you can add the projects which you want to run by clicking on the dropdown and pick the right project. Make sure the project is deployed otherwise it will not be visible in the dropdown menu. The “alias” is the name the panelist will see in the start screen and you can choose a specific session. After you have filled out everything you can click on the plus icon to add the project to the project group.

Step 5:

If you have added all the project you want you can go back to the allocate page.

Step 6:

In this overview you can choose the project group you just made by clicking the drop down and search for the project group. If your panelist do not login with credentials you can set the session to Anonymous.

Make sure that in this case you share the booth link with your panelists, instead of the deploy link within the projects.

When the panelist open the booth link they will see the instruction and the subprojects you added.

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