


The aim of ranking as a sensory methodology is to compare a set of products in terms of their perceived intensities on a set of defined sensory attributes. The process is designed to be simple: for each attribute separately in turn, the assessor samples and resamples all of the products and then places them in increasing order of perceived intensity on that attribute. 

Template Description

The template starts with a screen which can be used for welcoming panellists or asking additional questions prior to the test. 

In the design section, the first screen has instructions, followed by questions where panellists can rank the products with the given attribute. The Ranking with Samples question type has been used for this template. This means that the sample codes from the design are used. You can adjust the right and left label to your liking in the standard settings of the question.  The use of Display, Text and Image settings can be found in the advanced settings. The first setting will allow you to display the sample code in the question. This sample code can be found and (if needed) adjusted in the design tab. If you would like to display a description of the sample instead of the code, you can enable the Text setting. When the last option is enabled, the panellist will see an image that is specific to the sample. In the Product tab in the design section you can add a description and/or an image for that specific product. This information will be used when you enable the Text and Image setting. Panellists can add a comment about their reason of choice. In the standard settings of this comment question, you can make this mandatory when necessary or removed by the user from the template when needed.  

In the end screen, the template incorporates a "thank you" message, providing an opportunity for you to personalize a final message for the panellists.
The design has been created as a block design, which means the panellist will receive all the products simultaneously. Within the design creator you can adjust the amount of samples and blocks (combinations). Within the design settings, you can examine how each panellist will receive the sample, with each set corresponding to a specific order of presentation for an individual panellist. You have the flexibility to edit the product properties by clicking on the Product section.

Raw Data Representation

The raw data will be displayed with each row corresponding to an individual judge and the product they were presented with. In the Q1 column you can see the number in which place the panellist ranked that specific product. When the comment question was added to the project, you can see the comments of the pannelist in the Q2 column. 


Once data has been gathered, you can  access EyeOpenR and navigate to the Ranking method. 


  1. Kemp, S., Hort, J., & Hollowood, T. Descriptive Analysis in Sensory Evaluation (2018). Chapter 17, page 581-582

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