Text Highlighting

Text Highlighting


The text highlighting is a novel method for explicit attitude measurement. This method leverages the natural, intuitive action of highlighting to gauge participants' attitudes. Participants are shown a piece of text and are asked to use highlighting functions to indicate parts of the text. 
The responses from each participant are captured, recording the selection made for each word/sentence block. This method stands out not only for its simplicity and familiarity but also for its potential to increase engagement and provide a more nuanced understanding of participant attitudes.
As a task, text highlighting requires no special training or extensive explanations. It is simple and quick, making it highly suitable for online surveys where question difficulty and survey length can negatively impact completion rates and data quality. 

Adding/Modifying Highlighter Options

Navigate to the right side of your question type interface to locate the existing highlighter options. By default, two options are provided: "Positive" and "Negative." You can add more highlighter options. Simply input the desired name and click the plus sign to add it into your list.
To refine each highlighter option, select the triangle icon next to the respective highlighter option. Two key options become available:
  1. Maximum Blocks Select: This feature empowers you to stipulate a specific word or sentence block limit for highlighting. By default, this field remains empty, granting panelists the freedom to select as many blocks as they desire.
  2. Item Highlight Colour: Personalize the color associated with each highlighter option to enhance visual distinction and clarity.

Text Highlighter Settings

Within the standard settings under "Text to Highlight," you type the specific text that panelists can highlight using the designated highlighters.
Key features include:
  1. Mandatory Highlighting: Decide whether highlighting should be mandatory. By default, this option is set to "off," affording panelists the choice to highlight or not.
  2. Use Remark Toggle: Enable this feature to ask panellists to provide comments or remarks after highlighting an option. This functionality is particularly valuable for soliciting motivations behind selections.
  3. Remarks Text Instruction: Customize the instructions displayed to panelists when they are prompted to enter a remark.
  4. Mandatory Remark: Enforce the submission of remarks when panellists highlight a word or sentence block.
  5. Maximum Remark Length: Specify the maximum character limit for remarks. The default setting is 200 characters, but you can adjust this to align with your specific requirements.

Panellist View

Panelists will be able to select the highlight they want to use for specific text fragments and add remarks based on the chosen settings. If a highlight was applied by mistake, panelists can remove it using the delete button (see video in the attachment).


Once the data has been collected, you can analyze it using the Text Highlighter analysis feature built into EyeOpenR. To run the analysis, select "Consumer Analysis" under the Method menu, and then choose "Text Highlighter" within the Analysis options.


  1. Text Highlighter Question: Select the question type that was used as the text highlighter.
  2. Minimum Number of Highlights: Specify the minimum number of highlights for a specific segment to be included in your analysis.
  3. Display Selected Word Character Indices: Indicate whether you want to show the indices (i.e., the positions of the words within the text) in the results. This can be convenient if there are repeated words within your text.
  4. Sort Results: Choose whether to sort results based on 'Frequency Highlighted' or 'Location in Text'.


Within the results, you will be able to visualize the most selected words or sentence segments, along with the number of remarks mentioned for each specific word or segment under each highlight label. Additionally, you can view these frequencies in the form of a word cloud.

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