Text Highlighter Analysis

Text Highlighter Analysis


This analysis method allows the user to analyse data collected using the text highlighter question type. The text highlighter analysis is a tool that visually represents the most frequently selected sentences in a text based on applied labels. It provides a word cloud to showcase these sentences and includes a table that displays the frequency of selected sentences along with any associated remarks for each sentence. This analysis helps to highlight key information and insights within the text.


The text highlighting is a novel method for explicit attitude measurement. This method leverages the natural, intuitive action of highlighting to gauge participants' attitudes. Participants are shown a piece of text and are asked to use highlighting functions to indicate parts of the text.

The responses from each participant are captured, recording the selection made for each word/sentence block. This method stands out not only for its simplicity and familiarity but also for its potential to increase engagement and provide a more nuanced understanding of participant attitudes.

As a task, text highlighting requires no special training or extensive explanations. It is simple and quick, making it highly suitable for online surveys where question difficulty and survey length can negatively impact completion rates and data quality.


  1. Option name: Option explanation
  2. Text Highlighter Question – Select the text highlighter question within your project that you wish to analyse.
  3. Minimum number of highlights – Choose on how many occasions the same portion of text must be highlighted for it to be included in the results. If you wish all highlighted text to be included enter -1.
  4. Display selected word character indices – This option allows you to choose whether or not to include with each portion of highlighted text in your results information identifying at which location the given portion of text was located e.g. highlighted text [34, 50]. In this example the text that has been highlighted (i.e. highlighted text) is located within the question text beginning at character 34 and ending at character 50.
  5. Sort results on ‘Frequency Highlighted’ or ‘Location in Text’? – Results tables can be ordered either by frequency of highlighted occurrences (most frequent to least frequent) or the order in which they are located in the text (beginning of text first to end of text last).

Results and Interpretation

Highlight Frequency and Remarks

This table contains the following columns:
  1. Percentage: The percentage of occasions the given text was highlighted as a proportion of the total number of occasions any text was highlighted with the given label
  2. Counts: The frequency with which the given passage of text was highlighted
  3. Highlighted Text: The passage of text highlighted [with location information between squared brackets]
  4. Remarks: Any remarks attributed to the given highlighted text (with the number of occurrences of each remark provided within parenthesis)

Word Cloud

The word cloud displays all sections of text that were highlighted, with each section of text scaled according to the frequency with which it was highlighted. Sections of text that were highlighted more frequently are presented larger than those highlighted infrequently.


This tab contains a table reporting any issues that may have been encountered when analysing the dataset.

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