Frequently Asked Question
How to run an analysis on an external dataset
An external dataset can be imported into EyeOpenR. This dataset can be used to run analysis or create an autoreport. You can import data in .xls and .xlsx format. Below is a description of the conventional format you can import. This is the format ...
What Is The Difference Between Correction And Standardization In TI
In Time-Intensity, the correction option is used to correct mis-click during the process: It is assumed that each intensity curves is an inverted U shape, with an ascending phase, a plateau (at max intensity), and a decreasing phase. But it can ...
Why Are The Results From Panel And Panelist Performance Different?
Although the panel performance and the panellist performance seems to be linked, at least from an interpretation point of view (one could expect that the panel is discriminating if panellists are discriminated), the analyses involved different data ...
Why Do I Have Empty Cells In Panel Performance (Panelist Agreement)
The empty cell in the panel/panellist performance is usually due to the fact that you do not have variability in your data (the assessor gives the same score to all the samples). Indeed, most of the analysis requires dividing by the standard ...
How to use the Data Query Filter in EyeOpenR?
Imagine you have collected some data, but you only want to analyze a subset of those. For example, you have conducted a consumer test and you want to keep only the consumers that scored higher than four in the hedonic question. It is possible to ...
How to Merge Data
Introduction One of the key features of EyeQuestion is the ability to merge data from multiple projects. This can be especially useful when you have conducted several studies and want to combine the data to gain more comprehensive insights. In this ...
Run Preference Mapping Analysis in EyeOpenR
The Preference Mapping Analysis can be done in EyeOpenR by combining datasets from different projects. 1. Download the EyeOpenR Excel export from the project where you have collected the liking scores. 2. From this file, make sure that in the ...
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2-AFC, 3-AFC, Duo Trio, Triangle, Tetrad Analysis
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EyeQuestion API
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Show and Hide Specific Part(s) of a Questionnaire
When collecting data, the ability to create questionnaires that adapt dynamically to panelist responses or input values is a game-changer. It not only enhances respondent engagement but also ensures that you collect the most relevant and insightful ...
Reward Management
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How to Set up and Monitor Quotas in EyeQuestion
In this article, we will discuss what quotas are, how to set up a simple quota in EyeQuestion, and how to monitor the status of the quota. What is a quota? A quota is a pre-defined target or limit for the number of respondents who can answer a ...