Questionnaire Creation
Formula Question Type
The formula question type is a tool that allows customizable attribute values, with answers calculated using a predefined formula. How it works The formula question type can be found under the Special Questions folder, and it is going to be hidden, ...
How to Randomize Different Screens
If you're looking to randomize the order of certain screens or sets of questions, the "Random Group" option is a perfect tool to help you do just that. By assigning screens to a certain group (A,B,C), you can ensure that each panelist sees them in a ...
How to set up the Screen Settings
Screen settings allow the user to customize the display of a screen that is shown to the panelist. There are four kinds of screen settings: standard, advanced, layout and wait settings. Project workspace Your project's workspace can be found, as ...
Including Reference Values in Questionnaires
Introduction In sensory evaluation, providing panellists with clear reference values for each attribute being tested is essential for ensuring consistency and accuracy in their assessments. When evaluating different cheeses, for instance, attributes ...
How to Change the Item Layout
Introduction Questions where items can be added as a response; such as category or CATA questions, can have their items customized as required. Rich text editor You are able to customize for example the item layout such as: the text size, colour and ...
How to Create and Manage Project Templates
Introduction Template Management enables users to streamline their project workflow by managing templates across multiple sites, making project creation faster and more efficient. Templates serve as the building blocks for future projects, allowing ...
Importing Product Properties from an Excel File in EyeQuestion
In this article we will explain how to import products properties in an EyeQuestion project using an excel file. Step 1: Prepare your Excel file: In order to import product properties effectively, it is crucial to arrange your data in a structured ...
Calculate Panellists Questionnaire Response Time
Introduction By tracking the time it takes for respondents to complete surveys, we can gather valuable insights that can help us improve our processes. Firstly, response times reveal user engagement levels and identify potential issues with question ...
How Can I Set Up, Run, and Analyze a Best Worst / Max Diff Test
Introduction Best Worst scaling is an approach for obtaining preference/importance scores for multiple items, such as brand preferences, brand images, product features, advertising claims, etc. Best Worst scaling is also known as Max Diff. Setting up ...
How to Create a Napping Template
Introduction The default napping template is currently not available in the default sensory templates but it will be included in a future updated version of EyeQuestion. Meanwhile, it is possible to create it through adapting the ranking template by ...
How to Include More Attributes in the Free Choice Profiling/Flash Profile Template
Introduction When creating a Flash Profile/Free Choice Profiling you can create the project starting from EyeQuestion premade template which you can find in the Rapid Methods folder. Depending on your license you might be able to see this folder or ...
How to Use EyeQuestion's Image and Video Upload Feature in Questionnaires
In this article, we will explore how a panelist can upload an image or a video when answering an EyeQuestion questionnaire. EyeQuestion offers two specific question types that enable participants to upload multimedia files in a questionnaire. These ...
Attribute database
Different types of databases EyeQuestion offers three types of databases, namely the Attribute Database (ADB) for storing attributes and adding questions in bulk, the Product Database (PDB) for storing product-related information such as brand, EAN ...
How To Built A Choice Based Conjoint Questionnaire Using Eyequestion
What is Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis? Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis is a sophisticated market research technique used to decipher consumer preferences. It simulates real-world buying scenarios by presenting respondents with a series of choices, ...
How Can I Set Up a Wait Screen
Introduction A waiting screen can be utilized when you want panellists to pause between products or take a break before continuing with the test. Set Up a Waiting Screen If you want to add a wait screen to have panellists wait, this can be done by ...
Restrict Panellists from Taking a Test More Than Once
Introduction During a test, you might choose to restrict panelists to one attempt, or alternatively, allow them to take the test multiple times if they wish. The "Run Only Once" functionality gives you control over the access that panelists with a ...
How to Make Your Questionnaire Multilingual
Introduction You can use the Multilingual setting to create a questionnaire where participants can choose between different languages. This setting allows you to create a questionnaire in multiple languages without having to create multiple ...
How to Set Up a VR Project
Introduction In the following article we will outline the basics to start designing a virtual reality (VR) project. The immersive projects and questions are available depending on your license type, please reach out to our support team or your sales ...
Show and Hide Specific Part(s) of a Questionnaire
When collecting data, the ability to create questionnaires that adapt dynamically to panelist responses or input values is a game-changer. It not only enhances respondent engagement but also ensures that you collect the most relevant and insightful ...
Tips & Tricks: Multimedia
How to add a video in the questionnaire? A user can add a video in the questionnaire by clicking on the highlighted option from the rich editor box. The video can be uploaded to the EyeQuestion server by clicking on "Upload" button. After adding the ...
Available Placeholders in EyeQuestion
Introduction Placeholders are special codes that can be used to display dynamic information to your panelists. Dynamic information is information other then static text. Placeholders can show information that is attached to your products such as the ...
How Do I Use the Answer of a Previous Question as Options for a New Question
Introduction When building your questionnaire there are instances where panellists may need to reference their previous selections or inputs within a questionnaire. For example, imagine a scenario where respondents are asked to select all the brands ...
How to Create a Questionnaire
Introduction Creating a project in EyeQuestion involves structured steps, from initial setup to final deployment. This guide will walk you through each step, providing detailed instructions to help you navigate the platform seamlessly. Step-by-Step ...
How to Set up and Monitor Quotas in EyeQuestion
In this article, we will discuss what quotas are, how to set up a simple quota in EyeQuestion, and how to monitor the status of the quota. What is a quota? A quota is a pre-defined target or limit for the number of respondents who can answer a ...
Embedding a Video Uploaded on YouTube in a Questionnaire
Embedding a video from YouTube will make sure that panellists can answer a questionnaire and watch a video simultaneously. 1: Get the URL of the YouTube video you would like to embed Go to the YouTube video and click on share: 2. Subsequently click ...
Question Types Available in EyeQuestion
In EyeQuestion you have two libraries of question types available. Your own custom template library and the default system template library. The default library contains a wide range of question types and are divided into several subfolders. Question ...
How to Create an Express Project
Express projects are a fast and easy way to create a project based on an express template. NOTE: You will need the express user profile assigned to your account in order to have access to the express module. To create a new express project you can ...
Randomizing and Running Multiple Projects with One Link
Introduction In EyeQuestion there is the option to use subprojects to redirect participants to different questionnaires. It could be the case when there is a need to randomly direct participants to any of two available projects. With the following ...