Rapid Methods
Free Choice Profiling
Introduction Free-choice profiling (FCP) is a quick and inexpensive method in which consumers are asked to both identify attributes in the sample and rate the liking and/or intensity of those attributes. They should be provided with adequate ...
Flash Profiling
Introduction Flash profiling is an alternative sensory analysis technique adapted from Free Choice Profiling to understand the sensory positioning of products. Untrained panellists select their own attributes to describe and evaluate a set of ...
Free Sorting
Introduction Free Sorting is a simple method for collecting similarity data in which each panellist groups together products based on their perceived similarities. All products are presented simultaneously and randomly displayed. Panelists are asked ...
Sorted Napping
Introduction Sorted Napping is a methodology that identifies how consumers classify, describe and interpret a large group of products based on certain sensory attributes from their own perspective. The panellists are given a set of products and ...
Introduction Napping is a methodology that identifies how consumers classify, describe and interpret a large group of products based on certain sensory attributes from their own perspective. The panellists are given a set of products and instructed ...
Rapid Consensus Profiling
Introduction To develop a consensus profile, panellists assess products and compile a list of attributes for describing them. Once all panellists complete this task, they convene as a group to discuss their findings and collectively decide on the ...
Popular Articles
2-AFC, 3-AFC, Duo Trio, Triangle, Tetrad Analysis
Purpose Analyse results from one of the following tests: 2-AFC, 3-AFC, Duo-Trio, Triangle, Tetrad. Data Format Discrimination.xlsx Results of the discrimination test are binary (1 = correct answer, 0 = incorrect answer) Background 2-AFC Test This is ...
EyeQuestion API
What is API? API stands for application programming interface, which is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software. These interfaces establish a secure and standardized means for different applications to ...
Show and Hide Specific Part(s) of a Questionnaire
When collecting data, the ability to create questionnaires that adapt dynamically to panelist responses or input values is a game-changer. It not only enhances respondent engagement but also ensures that you collect the most relevant and insightful ...
Reward Management
Mostly companies offers rewards or incentives to increase participation in the consumer research. Reward management allows a user to grant and pay rewards to panellists from an EyeQuestion questionnaire. The user can setup reward criteria in the ...
How to Set up and Monitor Quotas in EyeQuestion
In this article, we will discuss what quotas are, how to set up a simple quota in EyeQuestion, and how to monitor the status of the quota. What is a quota? A quota is a pre-defined target or limit for the number of respondents who can answer a ...